Art Prints for Home Decor
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Buy Salvador Dali Art Prints

Pick your favorite Salvador Dali painting including Soft Watch At the Moment Of First Explosion and imagine what it will look like on your wall. Then order it today...

Salvador Dali was born in Northern Spain in 1904 and died in 1989. He showed artistic talent early and was taught by some well-known artists. He joined the surrealists in 1929 and, because of his great skill in promoting himself, became the best known of that style. He was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.

"Painting is an infinitely minute part of my personality." - Salvador Dali

The Persistence Of Memory

The Persistence Of Memory

Paysage aux Papillons

Paysage aux Papillons

Apparition Of Face And Fruit Dish

Apparition Of Face And Fruit Dish


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